Monday, November 25, 2013

Doctor Who Baby Names

Have found your self pregnant and wanting an epic baby name?  A name that shows kindness, compassion, bravery, and strength...naturally you think of The Doctor. Here is a list of names perfect for your baby!  Your baby will love any of these names...  know how I know that? I speak baby. Enjoy!

Companion Names

Doctor 1

  • Susan
  • Barbara
  • Ian
  • Vicki
  • Steven
  • Katarina
  • Sara
  • Dodo
  • Polly
  • Ben

Doctor 2

  • Polly
  • Ben
  • Jamie
  • Victoria
  • Zoe
  • Brigadier

Doctor 3

  • Liz
  • Jo
  • Sarah Jane

Doctor 4

  • Sarah Jane
  • Harry
  • Leela
  • Romana
  • Adric
  • Nyssa
  • Tegan

Doctor 5

  • Adric
  • Nyssa
  • Tegan
  • Vislor
  • Kamelion
  • Peri

Doctor 6

  • Peri
  • Melanie or Mel

Doctor 7

  • Melanie or Mel
  • Ace  

Doctor 8

  • Grace

Doctor 9

  • Rose
  • Tyler
  • Adam
  • Jack

Doctor 10

  • Rose
  • Mickey
  • Donna
  • Martha
  • Jones
  • Astrid
  • Sarah Jane
  • Jackson
  • Rosita
  • Lady Christina
  • Adelaide
  • Wilfred  

Doctor 11

  • Amelia
  • Amy
  • Pond
  • River
  • Rory
  • Canton
  • Craig
  • Clara
  • Oswin
  • Oswald  

Torchwood Names

  • Gwen
  • Cooper
  • Jack
  • Ianto
  • Toshiko

Great Characters

  • Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All a.k.a. Stormy
  • Alfie
  • Vincent (As in Van Gogh) 
  • K-9
  • Bode (As in the Face of)
  • Winston (Churchill)
  • Elizabeth (Queen)
  • Idris (The T.A.R.D.I.S) 
  • Sally

Other Names

  • John Smith

Real Doctor Names

  • William Hartnell
  • Patrick Troughton
  • Jon Pertwee
  • Tom Baker
  • Peter Davison
  • Colin Baker
  • Sylvester McCoy
  • Paul McGann
  • Christopher Eccleston
  • David Tennant
  • Matt Smith

Please be sure to leave us comments letting us know what name(s) you choose for your offspring!
Carly & Kim