Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Girls of Gallifrey Photo Challenge

I know that I am a day late with this post, but May came up way too fast! Back in November, Carly and I had a lot of fun doing a photo challege on Instagram so we decided to create our own! We can't wait to start this challenge and we hope to see all of your great photos! 

Be sure to leave us a comment if you are participating and you can use the hashtag #girlsofgallifreyphoto when you post your photos! 

Day 1: Favorite Color
Day 2: Nature
Day 3: Something you made
Day 4: Childhood Memory
Day 5: Something you can't live without
Day 6: Breakfast
Day 7: Reflection
Day 8: Morning Hair or Bed Head
Day 9: Something on TV
Day 10: Selfie
Day 11: Something Random
Day 12: Music
Day 13: Favorite Snack
Day 14: View out your window
Day 15: Something you want
Day 16: Your favorite spot
Day 17: Routine
Day 18: Black and White
Day 19: Something that makes you happy
Day 20: Good Habit
Day 21: Bad Habit
Day 22: Back in the day photo
Day 23: A Friend
Day 24: Something you fear
Day 25: In my bag
Day 26: Something pretty
Day 27: Something ugly
Day 28: Favorite scent
Day 30: Eyes
Day 31: Changes to come
Bonus: Favorite moment of the month

We can't wait to see everyone's photos! Be sure to follow us on Instagram kimothyire and wisecarly!

The Girls of Gallifrey